example of a bibliography page

Janson and Anthony F. Janson. Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine. In, Hedges, Chris. LP. “E-Money Slips Quietly into Oblivion.” Nikkei Weekly [Tokyo] 22 Jan. 2001: 4. or MA thesis, name of university, and year. Baroque: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting. Burch, Marilyn Reesor. 3) Issuing country and patent number. Discover Nov. 2002: 77. 15. Jackie Chan and Jennifer Love Hewitt. Markham, ON: 2005. E-mail to E. Interior. 12 Oct. 2004. l. Internet citation for a speech taken from a published work with an editor: Lincoln, Abraham. ed. “Women, Islam, and the New Iraq.” Foreign Affairs Jan.-Feb. 2006: 24+. Letter 850318 of Mark Twain. See the example below, and refer to your handouts. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. “Heat Your Home with Biodiesel”. New York: Knopf, 2005. Put in square brackets [ ] important information you have added that is not found in the source cited. Necessarily, it is placed on the last pages of a research paper, and a good works cited page is highly rated in terms of evaluating the mentioned piece of writing. Menu. The Family: A Novel. Toyota. 7 Feb. 2005. Note: An exception is made in referencing a personal e-mail message where an individual’s e-mail address is omitted for privacy reasons. Note: We have chosen to include the date of access for the online sources below. GEICO. You may hear Chicago style called Turabian style, as well. and Libretto by James Kudelka. 2007. 5. Advertisement. 232. But, if you use a computer, then publication names should be in italics as they are below. Heath, Joseph, and Andrew Potter. Holliday, Billie, vocalist. and ed. Blue Dice Software. Have you listed your bibliography in alphabetical order – by surname? y. Short forms may be used, e.g. Christine Vachon, Pam Koffler, and Stan Wlodkowski. and prod. Neilsen, Jerry. This page provides an example of a Works Cited page in MLA 2016 format. "Relational Algebra 1." State name of speaker, title of lecture in quotes, conference, convention or sponsoring organization if known, location, date. MGM, 1939. 4) Name of network. Jane Austen’s Emma. Universal, 2005. 15 Mar. DVD. Ormsby Wilkins and Uri Mayer. But you may use these several rules to make a 2005. In Chicago style, the bibliography page should be double-spaced, with the same spacing within and between citations. “Furious Arafat Is Freed.” Globe and Mail [Toronto] 2 May 2002: A1+. Plungis, Jeff, Ed Garsten, and Mark Truby. Suskind, Ron. (directed by), narr. New York: BCL, 2004. DreamWorks, 2002. Newsweek 16 Jan. 2006: 92. 2004. Washington: GPO, July 31, 1996. It is always catchy to search by alphabet. Prod. 31. Indicate page numbers after publication date if available, e.g. When citing a definition from a dictionary, add the abbreviation Def. Despite the varying terms, the difference between a bibliography, an annotated bibliography and a works cited page is simple. Hampshire College, 1995. dir. The Cultivation of Hatred. Letter to the Editor: Lange, Rick. Telephone interview. Components for artwork cited from a book: 1) Name of artist. 8 May 2002: 12-14. No Lookin’ Back. “Celestica to Repair Palm Handhelds.” Globe and Mail [Toronto] 29 Oct. 2002: B6. New Yorker 13 Jan. 2003: 33-37. 2) Title of patent. General Guide to Formatting a Bibliography from Infoplease.com. 700 Years of Art for the Papal Jubilee. Louvre Museum, Paris. 5th ed. Johnny Depp. Johnson, Linda A. PicoSearch. Last modified June 2, 2011. http://www.nps.gov/malu/. Adjective : bibliographic. Work. Etc). Sample Page: MLA-formatted annotated bibliography 1 Battle, Ken. Toronto: Upstart Press, 1999. It was mentioned previously that a definition of a bibliography states it is a completed listing of every source used during the research and creation of a paper, whether the source was cited in the text or not. For more details and examples, se e Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and “U.S. WHEC, Rochester, NY. Internet citations, or citing electronic sources, Painting, photograph, sculpture, architecture, or other art form, Performance (ballet, concert, musical, opera, play, theatrical performance), Tape Recording: Cassette, DVD (Digital Videodisc), Filmstrip, Videocassette, Professional dissertation writing service, Most commonly used in the Arts & Humanities fields, Both papers are double spaced, this includes the works cited or reference pages. Works Cited, References, and Bibliography, Book with more than three authors or editors, Book with compilers, or compilers and editors, Book with one author, translated by another, Work in an anthology, a collection by several authors, with one or more editors and/or compilers, Article in an encyclopedia with no author stated, Article in an encyclopedia with an author, Article in a magazine, journal, periodical, newsletter, or or newspaper with no author stated, Article in a magazine, journal, periodical, newsletter, or newspaper with one or more authors, Article from SIRS (Social Issues Resources Series), Booklet, pamphlet, or brochure with no author stated, Booklet, pamphlet, or brochure with an author. A bibliography is a list of the books and other sources that are referred to in a scholarly work-such as an essay, term paper, dissertation, or a book. Columbia CL 1157, 33 1/3 rpm. Marshall, Leon. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2005. “Heat Your Home with Biodiesel”. “Mud, Marine Snow and Coral Reefs.” American Scientist Jan.-Feb. 2003: 44-51. or use “et al.”: Wolanski, Eric, et al. SIRS 1993 Ethnic Groups. New York City Perigee: 1954. Christianna Brand. Marilyn Reesor Burch. Here’s, Clabough, Casey. “Measured Deception.” Rev. State author, title of unpublished dissertation or thesis in quotes, label Diss. Atlapedia Online. Washington, DC: National Geographic, 1999. Dir. New York: Knopf, 2002. Town & Country Travel Fall 2004: 102-111. The New Lexicon Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language. Wolf Film, Universal Television. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Vanvitelli, Luigi, and Nicola Salvi. 6. Don and Catherine Robertson. Build-a-Bear. Example essay of discrimination Freund, a. M baltes, b brandtst paper research page bibliography for dter renner, brandtst dter. Writ., dir. Midge, T. “Powwows.” Encyclopedia of North American Indians. 4 June 2003. Twentieth Century Fox and Paramount, 1997.
example of a bibliography page 2021