my teaching strategies

Students need to be taught how to inquire and given the right inquiry tools (such as books, appropriate websites, etc.). Students learn self-regulation learning skills which are essential for later in their lives. A coach does not stand in front of players and simply tell them what the ‘facts’ are. Reflecting on your learning and considering faster ur more efficient processes. As time passes, the meaning should stay but the exact words should be forgotten. Perfect for revision and standardized test preparation. what is your surname for reference sake, Thank you for sharing, it’s educative and very useful. Helps students to jog their own memories by prompting them slightly. It fits under the socio-cultural theory because its emphasis is on social interaction between master and apprentice. Student-centered: the student is the focus and the teacher is the supporter. Students can learn more actively when they have manipulatives than when learning through teacher-centered direct instruction methods. Some information is by its very nature academic and theoretical rather than practical, and this information is still of value to students. The best sort of motivation is. They discuss the differences between and merits of each answer. Differentiation like this can lead to bug Differences in ability levels across the whole class. Keep it up admin. It can make learning into a game if you let the students know to look out for the mistakes in advance. Teachers ask students to make predictions based on limited knowledge about a topic. Similarly, teachers often wait until the day before a test to review. This strategy involves getting students to trade ideas with one another. A teacher who uses coaching as a strategy tried to emulate the role of the coach: observing and offering support and suggestions for adjustments. The students may need to assign some roles to group members. Download a card set of images that represent different lesson types and activities. Have students read over their notes from previous classes and write a summary of the top 10 points. One teacher may take the role of presenter while the other acts as a support with students falling behind. Show the students a diagram or comic strip demonstrating sequence of events with the last few events missing. Students can challenge themselves to reach their step by step goals. This is often confused with punishments. It may be impractical given safety and security requirements. Non-interventionism involves a teacher taking the role of ‘unobtrusive observer’ while students learn. Pavlov, a famous behaviorist found that he could teach his dog through repetitively associating a bell with food. Following Bloom’s taxonomy, higher order thinking usually includes tasks that involve verbs like: Judge Appraise, Evaluate, Compare, Criticize, Assess, Estimate, Deduce, Hypothesize and Generalize. Have students prepare their daily goals at the end of the previous day or start of the current day. For snowball discussions, students start in pairs and share their thoughts and ideas together. thanks a lot, this has been such a wonderful summary on how to be a good teacher..hope to learn more. Assigning group roles when students are doing small group work is another simple instructional strategy to try. Being an effective teacher, therefore, requires the implementation of creative and innovative teaching strategies in order to meet students’ individual needs. If each student has a different topic or angle to present engagement may be enhanced during the class presentations. At the end of the class, have a whole group discussion summing up our points and list the details of the topic on the white board. Next, the students have 60 seconds to write down feedback on the presenter’s work. Discussion can help students see perspectives that they did not come up with on their own. Fast students will need extension tasks or personal projects to complete once they have finished and are waiting for slower students. Allowing students to sit where they choose, rather than having assigned seating, has had a resurgence in popularity in the past decade. Teaching strategies refer to methods used to help students learn the desired course contents and be able to develop achievable goals in the future. In other words, it cannot be a question that can be answered with “yes” or “no”. Being transparent about a lesson objective is a teaching strategy designed to help students understand the purpose of the lesson. Requires a lot of pre-teaching so students have the required skills for these sorts of lessons to work. The ‘zone of proximal development’ is a phrase used to explain the ideal difficulty level for a lesson. In my case, I added games and animation to make learning more interactive. Blue hat: The manager who ensures all the hats are sticking to their lane. Ensure you assess prior knowledge well in advance so you can plan lessons based on prior knowledge. Each worksheet should build on the previous to help students move through their ZPD one step at a time. Consider using a fishbowl method by having a sample group sit in the middle of a circle modeling the roles to the rest of the class. The advanced students can be provided with project-based learning tasks to complete while the teacher works with the middle and lower groups to provide additional support. I have found some students like to have the comfort of flip chart (butcher’s) paper as a prop when presenting their discussions to the class. A case study during a unit of work on refugees might look at the experiences of one real-life refugee. The Flipped Classroom teaching style doesn’t take all the teaching away from the teacher. Pause after a question for 10 seconds before discussing the answer. If there are thumbs down, the teacher should ask those students if they have direct questions or whether they might want that section to be covered again in different language or more slowly. Without stimulus materials, the classroom feels empty and detached from real life. The conference should conclude with a list of goals for the teacher and student to mutually strive toward. An ESL teacher provides students with a set of conversational tasks to complete during a day’s field trip to the city. All students should be equal discussion contributors, and this is managed by the moderator. Doesn’t account for social and cognitive aspects of learning. Constructivism: Constructivists including Freidrich Froebel and Maria Montessori have advocated for the use of educational toys to help students to explore and discover in student-led active learning contexts. Calm colors on the walls can help students relax into the learning environment. Pose thought-provoking questions which inspire your students to think for themselves and become more independent learners. Students are asked to think forward rather than simply react in the learning environment. Love it!!! Pre-plan for what to do when you don’t have an even number of students in the class. Often students like to have a spot they can call their own. Developing and teaching reading strategies to elementary students will help increase their reading ability. Includes children from cultures that have been traditionally marginalized within the classroom. Provides a framework for deeper and critical thinking. Have students work in groups to write up their knowledge in a visually engaging way. Students need to eventually try things alone to show competency. Flipped instruction enables the teacher to offload the direct instruction elements of education like Introductions to homework. Another example: eye contact is considered respectful in Western cultures but acts of defiance in Indigenous Austealian culture. Students may not complete their assigned pre-class homework, which will undermine the lesson. Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory: Students learn within family and community contexts (children’s ‘first teachers’) in order to respect and carry-on culturally engaged learning. However, it is necessary if people want to know. Remember to use strategic pauses and remind students at strategic times that they need to be taking notes. It can involve bringing parents and community members into the classroom, or bringing students out into the community on field trips. A simple teaching strategy that involves asking students to fill-in an incomplete piece of text. If you do not see the reset email, please try checking your spam folder or select the Resend Reset Email button to send it again. Socio-Cultural Theory: students learning through collaborative discussion fits firmly into the sociocultural theory of education. However, it is also useful for helping students get more depth of knowledge on a topic being taught when you give them all an article or book to read to help them have more knowledge for subsequent parts of the lesson. Interactive whiteboards or mobile devices can be used to display images and videos, which helps students visualize new academic concepts. Students tend to have increased freedom using this approach. Prepare your students in the classroom. Sociocultural theory: learning through conversation allows students to see diverse perspectives and therefore improve on their own perspectives. Consider. By bringing role models into the classroom (especially minority and female role models), students can come to see that they could potentially become female firefighters, politicians of color, etc. Use of this website is governed by the Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer and Privacy Policies you can access via links in the footer. Time is required for the mind to interpret, sort, stack, save and withdraw information in their mind (‘create cognitive schemata’). Helps students to see a diversity of points of view. There is physical evidence of what was learned that teachers can use in student report cards and teaching portfolios. Students may feel less stressed or rushed with this approach. Thank you so much. Finding members of the community willing to work with teachers can be difficult. A fast, effective way of presenting knowledge to the class. Students write their responses to a prompt on sheets of paper but cannot speak while doing so. It can be useful for getting students to compare how different groups of students approach points from different perspectives. Asking for a thumbs up / thumbs down from students to see if they understand something. Teachers could consider systematically conferring with one or two students per lesson until all students are met with. Formative assessment involves assessing students’ learning throughout the learning process, not just at the end. Consider alternatives like the Read Aloud strategy or using videos instead if DEAR doesn’t work for your class. When enough students score well on the test, it appears they have learned the material. Without high expectations in the classroom, students can become lazy and lose respect for education. Setting high expectation involves requiring students to put in maximum effort during their lessons. The teacher explains a concept, then asks the student to repeat it without using the same words. Read aloud is a strategy that involves the teacher reading a text out loud to students. Some evidence-based teaching strategies that didn’t make the top ten are still worth adopting. Word walls can be great props for refreshing students’ memories at the start of a lesson. Whenever you work with technology, be prepared for issues to arise that may delay the lesson. Consider what other students will be doing during this time. If you cannot apply your learning to anything–you may as well not have spent the time invested in learning. Tapping a watch can remind students to pay attention to time limitations of a lesson. Sign in with the email address your child's school uses to send you tadpoles emails Explicit teaching should be followed-up with other teaching strategies that involve more active learning so students can practice and demonstrate their knowledge. Humanism: Teachers pay attention to the conditions required for creating an optimal learning environment. This enables teachers to spend more time on student-centered differentiated support. See my full article on the pros and cons of digital play. During a lesson, pause after each step to get instant thumbs down, thumbs up feedback on whether students understand the previous step. State in your lesson plan that you will assess each student’s ability and give them the appropriate worksheet. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. At the end, have the students share their feedback with the presenter in small groups so that the environment is not so intimidating for the presenter. A devil’s advocate is someone who argues for an opposing point of view in order to stir up an argument and poke holes in other points of view. What Teaching Strategies Didn’t Make the Top 10? The idea behind spaced repetition is that the concept being learned is re-engaged with just before it is forgotten so that it is consistently recalled into memory and gradually sedimented into long-term memory. Teachers should consult parents and community members about best strategies for the cultural needs of the students in the class. Teacher places the appropriate resources in the classroom to allow students to discover truths themselves. Shy students or students who are not confident with the material may be intimidated by this instructional strategy. Can be time consuming to constantly assess students’ abilities. Each student gets to hear the expert perspective of another student who is a ‘more knowledgeable other’, while also acting as the more knowledgeable other when it is their turn to share their expertise. Furthermore, make sure to provide a criteria for what constitutes pass or fail. In this way, they create a more inclusive classroom for multiple different types of learners. HIgh expectations does not mean expecting all students to meet a certain standard. Steiner-Waldorf Schools: Rudolf Steiner called the teacher the ‘chief storyteller’ whose role is to create a sense of enchantment around learning through stories. A growth mindset focuses on teaching students that they have the power to improve and succeed if they put their effort into it. Classical Conditioning (Behaviorism): Students are ‘conditioned’ by cause-and-effect mechanisms that are subtle and that they aren’t even aware of. Students often have to use mathematics and logical reasoning to succeed in this task. Then, when the student can complete the task alone, the teacher withdraws their support. It helps give students a sense of place and belonging. Bandura’s Behaviorism: Bandura blends behaviorism with constructivism by showing that learning can occur through observation only. Teachers can adjust their teaching methods in the moment to ensure the lesson is a success. This helps students reflect on the lesson to show them that they did actually learn something! A good way to start discussion among students, especially if they don’t know each other well or are shy. Role modelling involves demonstrating the requisite behaviors or ideal way of acting within a learning environment. Be inspired by … This instructional video presents some examples of teaching strategies There is always catered support for any student in the class. This usually takes place after a student presentation where the students give a cumulative 3 minutes of feedback and reflection on the presentation. The idea is that each group in the second part of the lesson will have an ‘expert’ on a particular area of a topic. Allow the students to work in independent groups – walk around and help groups who are struggling. Many students have many barriers to success. Visual aids can have both cognitive benefits (see: cognitive tools) and engagement benefits. There will always be a small group of students who squirm and struggle when asked to read. Theoretical Linkeval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-leader-3','ezslot_17',123,'0','0'])); Behaviorism: Repetition is central to a behaviorist approach. Spend the first 10 minutes of the lesson assessing students’ comprehension of the video, Jump straight into student-centered practice tasks, Walk around the class helping students who need additional support for the rest of the lesson. I teach ESL students counting using the game UNO. Tip: Bookmark this page so you can come back to it every time you need some new teaching strategies! Have you got any top tips? Cognitive Overload Theory: If students are given too much information, their mind becomes ‘overloaded’ and they are unable to process more information. Cannot be a consistently used strategy as students also need to learn through more challenging approaches such as discovery learning and project-based learning. Behaviorism: Spaced repetition was invented by behaviorist theorist Ebbinghaus in 1885. Newspapers are increasingly uncommon – consider adjusting this to use online news sites and printing out articles from the web. - Constructivism: Students learn through constructing ideas in their heads rather than being told the facts. Students write down their answer or thoughts to a TEACHER’S question. Your classroom has limitations which may prevent the ideal environmental settings. Awesome teaching strategies, thank you Heather. Break down tasks into manageable chunks so that students know the steps toward success. Very helpful article for teaching thank you for sharing, Very helpful for being teaching strategies thank you for sharing, Best strategies about learning. Keep up the good work! Getting students to debate an idea is a great way of getting them to build coherent and logical arguments in defence of a position. At Teaching Strategies, our ground-breaking classroom solutions are designed to support educators as they teach, inspire, and care for our youngest learners. Glad to read this. Tip: Bookmark this page so you can come back to it every time you need some new teaching strategies! For higher order thinking tasks, it’s important that you don’t. It requires them to gather, analyze and sort facts before they present them to an audience. Pose open ended questions as stimulus prompts. If there are 5 stations around the room, the teacher will create 5 groups. Spaced repetition builds on simple repetition. Students get a set amount of time at each station to read the prompt questions. There is often not enough time in a crowded school curriculum to chunk information well enough. In the classroom, this means presenting students with several stimulus materials that help a student to recall a fact. Here are a few teaching strategies that are a staple in most classrooms. Let’s talk about some strategies for improvement before you go away and do it again.”. Students need time to think things through and make mistakes. Lecturers from the School of Nursing use, amongst others, the following innovative teaching strategies: Ensures students are practicing their critical thinking skills rather than just repeating a teacher’s ‘facts’. Students can come to see how they are connected to a wider ecosystem, and that they have an important part to play in serving that ecosystem for the good of all. Once they stand on the line, you can ask them to explain why they stood where they did. Used in most teaching approaches and towards positive behaviors develop achievable goals in the footer may keep them and... 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my teaching strategies 2021