funny icebreaker questions

Fun Ice Breaker Questions. We’ve also included a separate section for virtual icebreakers, but you can mix-and-match from all sections even if you’re working remotely! Using fun icebreaker questions and games allows me to create an environment conducive to exchanging ideas and meeting session goals. Funny Icebreaker Questions for Introducing Yourself 1. 5. Ask them the reason why. In this post we have put together a list of 30 fun icebreaker questions to get to know your students. What fictional family would you be a member of? What was so funny? Lighten your audience’s mood and start with a positive first impression. Nobody hates fun, but not all people enjoy icebreakers. Name one cool feature you would add to your dream house. Icebreakers are great for starting everything from meetings to events because they involve hardly any planning. If you could have the power of teleportation right now, where would you go and why? You have your own late night talk show, who do you invite as your first guest? Let it flow something like this, “Hey I stumbled upon these really funny icebreakers for moms. What was the first thing you bought with your own money? What are you most excited about this year? If you were left on a deserted island with either your worst enemy or no one, which would you choose? What is your funniest vacation memory? They are similar to icebreaker activities but usually do not require much or any preparation at all. Funny icebreaker questions for work; Icebreaker interview questions; Best ice breaker questions for work; All are relaxed, fun and simple yet can be effective in getting to know your team better and finding out their skill. ICEBREAKER QUESTION 2: HAVE YOU EVER MET ANYONE FAMOUS? If you could read minds, which celebrities would you make a beeline for and why? Of course, you’ll need to set rules for what makes a meme inappropriate, but there are plenty of funny, clean memes that students can use to share their thoughts and feelings on icebreaker questions. 2. If you had a time machine, would go back in time or into the future? People Also Ask These Questions About Icebreaker Jokes Q: What is a good icebreaker joke? If you could hang out with any cartoon character, who would you choose and why? Of course, you’ll need to set rules for what makes a meme inappropriate, but there are plenty of funny, clean memes that students can use to share their thoughts and feelings on icebreaker questions. It... 2. You’ll need an endless list of never have i ever questions to play this funny icebreaker game. We’ve all rolled our eyes at corny ice breaker questions from a coworker or a cheesy get-to-know-each-other game suggested by a manager. If you could write a book, what genre would you write it in? What was your least favorite food as a child? You have successfully subscribed to our newsletter. Fun quarantine ice breaker questions for remote teams. Which actor would you want to play you in the movie about your life? When and how to use icebreaker questions. What song or album could you listen to on repeat? The Worst Icebreaker Questions. If you were a superhero what would your name be? When you start a video call with a quick round of team building icebreaker questions for work, you give your people a chance to connect on a personal level. Scarlet says: October 7, 2019 at 8:37 am. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? What is your favorite memory with your best friend? ("Weren't you the one whose favorite snack is raw oysters?!") Don’t be so formal to ask if she wants to play an icebreaker game with you. What is your favorite television network? If you could add anyone to Mount Rushmore who would it be; why? Would you rather be the funniest or smartest person in the room? If you had to eat one meal everyday for the rest of your life what would it be? Their laughter keeps the meeting lively and interactive – exactly what fun ice breaker questions should do. 9. Best professional development book you’ve ever read? Mystery? They are similar to icebreaker activities but usually do not require much or any preparation at all. Great nights aren’t measured in the amount drank or spent, they’re measured in the hardiness of the laughter and the greatness of the company. What about showers? […] Reply. Do you have a favorite song to listen to when you need your spirits lifted? If extraterrestrials landed on earth and offered to take you with them, would you go? Icebreaker questions are thought-provoking questions you can use to encourage people to talk and get to know them better. Why we love this icebreaker question: … If you were invisible for a day, what would you do? Who is your favorite Disney hero or heroine? 1. Then check out this article: Funny questions to ask. "Would You Rather?" If you could see one movie again for the first time, what would it be and why? What is it? Icebreakers are great for starting everything from meetings to events because they involve hardly any planning. Funny Icebreaker Questions. How would you spend a million dollars? 10. What is one article of clothing that someone could wear that would make you walk out on a date with them? Witty, funny icebreaker questions; the best starters for a party, meeting, or any formal or informal gathering! What was your favorite game to play as a child? Awkward silences, tense meetings, busy work days. What’s the most embarrassing fashion trend you used to rock? Which band / artist – dead or alive would play at your funeral? What is one thing we would never guess about you? That’s why fun ice breaker questions for work are always fantastic to include in your team building events. What does your typical work from home uniform look like? 70+ Funny Icebreaker Questions (Free PDF) They say everyone is a comedian, not because they tell jokes, but because life is funny and everyone’s lived through it. There’s a reason for that: Not all icebreakers are created equal, and it’s important to find the ones that work for your team. What was your role? If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be and why? May 15, 2019 - Explore Asi's board "Funny icebreaker questions" on Pinterest. Ask if they can sing the theme song too. Nobody hates fun, but not all people enjoy icebreakers. What is your favorite time of the day and why? When he isn't writing insightful articles on employee engagement and corporate culture, Gerald can be found writing for a number of media outlets. They can also show team member work styles, and how they collaborate with colleagues. For example, the prompt might be “share your … These are perfect for getting to know new people and bonding with your friends and family. Icebreakers also give you a great opportunity to get to know your colleagues better. These questions are relaxed, fun and simple but will also encourage your employees to give meaningful answers. Would you rather live in the ocean or on the moon? Ice breaker questions don’t need to be as scary or boring – when properly executed, they can help diffuse anxiety and ease employees or groups into team bonding. "Do You Prefer?" I’m a little confused. What’s is one thing we don’t know about you? May 15, 2019 - Explore Asi's board "Funny icebreaker questions" on Pinterest. Good Icebreaker Questions These questions are not only great to ask your friends, but also great for first dates. Have you ever been told you look like someone famous, who was it? If you were an ice cream flavor, which one would you be and why? Icebreaker Questions for High School Students, Icebreaker Questions for College Students, 120+ Team Building Icebreaker Questions for Work. If you could go to Mars, would you? That’s why we’ve collected the best icebreaker questions we could find and put them into this blog post. Funny ice breaker questions for work. Want to lighten the mood? Fun, Interesting, and Good Icebreaker Questions for Kids. If you winced at the word, “ice breaker,” I don’t blame you. Witty, funny icebreaker questions; the best starters for a party, meeting, or any formal or informal gathering! If you could have the power of teleportation right now, where would you go and why? Spin up a question in seconds, and share the results with a single link. Sushi? If you could magically become fluent in any language, what would it be? If you could change places with anyone in the world, who would it be and why? Would you rather always be slightly late or super early? Funny icebreaker questions. […] Reply. Say you’re independently wealthy and don’t have to work, what would you do with your time? What is your guilty pleasure? Save or print this epic list of icebreakers for easy access. 'Get To Know You' Icebreaker Questions. If you were to turn into a superhero right now, what powers would you like to have? If you happen to be on a playdate with one other mom, take a screen shot of the list of questions above. What is the most amazing story about your family? Icebreaker Activities for Any Group. Historical fiction? If you could meet any historical figure, who would you choose and why? See more ideas about funny icebreaker questions, icebreaker, wood diy. Reply. ICEBREAKER QUESTION 3: WHAT ARE YOU READING RIGHT NOW? But that’s true only if these questions serve the meeting’s purpose, and you have a clear idea of when to use them. The backyard? Looking for even more of the best icebreaker questions to warm up your group? If you could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would it be? What’s your biggest fear? Why or why not? The cereal one really surprised me but I can see how you could get some fun answers! If you were to change your name, what name would you change to and why? Find even more icebreaker jokes in this post. Name an imaginary college class you wish this school offered. Why or why not? If you could change places with anyone in the world, who would it be and why? Funny questions are a good way to break the ice, be it a friends-n-family get-together or an office seminar or meeting. Why? Romance? List of virtual icebreaker questions. Describe a time you laughed so hard you thought you would cry, or when you did cry. If you had 25 hours a day, how would you use your extra time? By Samuel Daniel. You have to sing karaoke, what song do you pick? The zombie apocalypse is coming, who are 3 people you want on your team? Have you ever completed anything on your “bucket list”? Ice Breaker Questions. Where do you work most frequently from at home? Do you love working from home or would you rather be in the office? (Word cloud) #2: What would you like to learn today? What's the strangest gift you've ever received? What fruit or vegetable would you most want to be? If you could bring back any fashion trend what would it be? If you were to turn into a … Icebreaker Questions You Can Ask During Work Retreats. What's your favorite joke to tell? They are personal but not too intimate. Here’s a list of fun questions to break the ice and to get to know your students. What’s one thing we could do to improve our virtual meetings? What is your favorite time of the day and why? If you could only eat one dessert for the rest of your life, what would it be? The goal of icebreaker questions is to loosen up a group of people—so that they can get comfortable talking to each other. Which song can you listen to all day long? All great ice breaker games involve thought provoking ice breaker questions that are produced off the top of your head, or prepared and recorded ahead of time on. Funny Icebreaker Questions What superhero would you want to be, and why? What would you prefer: Harry Potter’s Cloak of Invisibility or Iron Man’s armor, and why? Check out our list of virtual team building ideas for more ways to connect virtual teams. 10 Beautiful Things - MAD CHIPMUNK says: September 5, 2019 at 12:04 pm […] 25 Best Icebreaker Questions […] Reply. 10 Icebreaker Questions … Questions can help people get to know each other better. If you were famous what would you be famous for? Fun Icebreaker Questions That Press Your Buttons (And Everyone’s Else’s) Some icebreaker questions cause a reaction, from the person asking, the person answering, and the people listening to the answers. Would you rather live in the ocean or on the moon? If you were running for president, what would your campaign slogan be? Would you rather live where it only snows or the temperature never falls below 100 degrees? Additional Resources Icebreaker Questions for Small Groups. Have you ever been in a movie, TV show, or play? Keep it at your desk or post in it the office for everyone to use. What do you say? What’s the hardest part about working virtually for you? What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable? What is your favorite meal to cook and why? We often spend more time with our coworkers than family or friends. Can you help me come up with a new nickname? If you could be immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why? We hope these icebreaker questions help break through the awkward silence and start some fun conversations! After all, it’s always hard to work well with folks you don’t have a rapport with (not to mention, it’s no fun). Icebreaker questions are more than small talk. What fictional world or place would you like to visit? Icebreaker poll questions. Try a fun quiz with questions about your team. Meeting ice breaker questions. If you could bring back any fashion trend what would it be? via: Unsplash / Zachary Nelson. If you could be any sports personality who would it be and why? See more ideas about this or that questions, ice breaker questions, icebreaker. Who was your childhood actor/actress crush? Who was your childhood actor/actress crush? Allow them to take you down memory lane. You have your own late night talk show, who do you invite as your first guest? If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? Once you get into the rhythm of warming up with good icebreaker questions, your team will expect them and be excited about them! Additional Resources Icebreaker Questions for Small Groups. Ice Breaker Questions. Share this article... your friends will love it too! The easiest? Funny Ice Breaker Questions. Funny icebreaker questions. What is your favorite meal to cook and why? Below you’ll find our favorite virtual icebreaker questions, funny icebreaker questions, great icebreaker questions to provoke thoughtful insight, the best icebreaker questions for meetings in the workplace, awkward icebreaker questions, and ‘If You Could’ icebreaker questions. We’ve picked the 31 best, below. If you could choose any two famous people to have dinner with who would they be? Discover how Poll Everywhere turns presentations into two-way conversations that keep your audience engaged. It’s why you you wear your best clothes to an interview, scrub every inch of your body before a first date, and freak out before meeting her parents the first time. What’s one career you wish you could have? What was the worst style choice you ever made? Employees who are laughing together are comfortable interacting. What is the last TV show that you binge-watched? 70 Icebreaker Questions For Adults – Fun and unexpected questions. Anonymity is absolute. Why do you need them? Personal Ice Breaker Questions. What would you prefer: Harry Potter’s Cloak of Invisibility or Iron Man’s armor, and why? What skill do you think everyone should have? 7. You will definitely find out exciting things about each other. Do you still hate it or do you love it now? Questions can be fun or serious and often set the tone of a conversation. These are targeted questions that usually require a moment of pause to consider—and answer. What sport would you compete in if you were in the Olympics? Your bed? I Save or print this epic list of icebreakers for easy access. The key to building this rapport is to ask ice breaker questions such as the following that ease the usual “business-y” tension and help everyone know each other. Would you rather be an Olympic gold medallist or an astronaut? See more ideas about funny icebreaker questions, icebreaker, wood diy. These icebreaker questions will make any conversation entertaining and enjoyable. Here is a list of short virtual ice breaker questions you can use as bonding activities in virtual meetings or conference calls. If you could live in any sitcom, which one would it be? You’re standing with another mom at the playground and notice her underwear is showing, do you tell her? We’ve even added some of our favorite ‘Would You Rather’ questions, which always have the potential to spark great conversation! What was in your high school locker? These are all situations that can benefit from some relaxed and fun icebreaker questions. Why? If you could have someone follow you around all the time, like a personal assistant, what would you have them do? What’s the last great TV show or movie you wanted? Asking ice breaker questions can make that boring meeting better by loosening everybody up and getting them into the right mindset. If you winced at the word, “ice breaker,” I don’t blame you. What current fact about your life would most impress your five year old self? They can also be used at team event days, or the start of a social hour. Keep it at your desk or post in it the office for everyone to use. Would you rather give up your smartphone or your computer? 2. If you had a 25 … What would your talent be if you were Miss or Mister World? If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you want to have with you? No matter our age, look, gender or race – we all love a good laugh! What is the best perk you have ever enjoyed at a job? Would you rather live where it only snows or the temperature never falls below 100 degrees? Use these fun icebreaker questions to find out what your colleagues are into. If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be? Knowing fun questions to ask the people that you meet. Good icebreaker questions are also the perfect compliment to virtual team building for remote teams. If you could write a book that was guaranteed to be a best seller, what would you write? Cola? Would you rather meet your travel back in time to meet your ancestors or to the future to meet your descendants? Great icebreakers. Hey Citizens, my colleague joins in on a collaboration answering icebreaker questions for team building. What is your favorite sport to watch and why? We hope these icebreaker questions help break through the awkward silence and start some fun conversations! Ice breaker questions can be fun or funny, or deep and meaningful—or both. If you had a million dollars, what would you buy first? Icebreaker questions list. #1: Where are you joining us from? Last Updated December 24, 2020. If you could change one thing about yourself what would you choose? See more ideas about this or that questions, ice breaker questions, icebreaker. If you could be a fly on the wall for any president, past or present, which president would that be? August 4, 2016. Business and Workplace. The following questions will definitely get a reaction. Which bad habits of other people drive you crazy? If aliens landed on earth tomorrow and offered to take you home with them, would you go? If you could choose any historical figure to be your imaginary friend, who would it be and why. Fly at 10 miles per hour or all of your life what genre would it be most embarrassing thing want... For older students, 120+ team building ideas for more ways to connect virtual teams exactly what ice... Or into the rhythm of using icebreaker questions meet your travel back time! Indicators of values and personality icebreakers are great for starting everything from meetings to events because they hardly. Always be slightly late or super early own TV show, or play people icebreakers... Try out these funny icebreaker questions for kids this blog post deep and meaningful—or both won ’ t recorded anonymity! Or movie you wanted office space at home each team member and laugh... 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funny icebreaker questions 2021